Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Mist

Well, here we go again. I shut my blog down because I didn't think anyone was reading it, but I was wrong. It appears a lot of people were reading it, but just didn't post any comments. That's just fine, but for a blogging novice like me it takes some time to figure that out. Although I try, I must confess I'm not the most computer literate person on the planet. Probably why I ride old-style motorcycles and play old-style guitars and amplifiers.

I'm going to continue the intent of this blog which is to publish quotes from spiritual writings that I have found helpful on my spiritual journey and also some of my own thoughts. I'm not interested in debates on fine points of theology, but what I am interested in is where people are along their journey to God and perhaps something they have found along the way might help someone else.

Although I'm an Anglican priest I will admit that my Christian spirituality is heavily influenced by the Eastern Church, particularly they hesychasts. My patron saint is St. Symeon the New Theologian. I sometimes say that I breathe with two lungs. One is Anglican and the other Orthodox. I couldn't breathe well without either. I also love the mystics of the Western Church, particularly Thomas Merton. What I love about Fr. Merton is that he was so open about his life. He has much to teach us all.

Well, that's about it. Look for further postings soon.
Fr. Wes


Warwickensis said...

And this blog is staying now, isn't it Father?

Thanks for putting it back!

poetreader said...

I only come here occasionally, but this blog is a particularly valuable one. One reason you get few comments is that there is rarely anything one really can say. What you post is pretty much undebateable, very valuable, and so sufficient to its purpose that there is little one could respond without looking foolish.

Please, Father, keep blessing the Church.


Bishop Nolden: said...

Warwickensis and poetreader,
Thanks so much for your very kind an generous comments. Yes, it's going to stay up. May God bless you both today and always.
Fr. Wes