Sunday, November 16, 2008

Some Thoughts on Spiritual Preparation During Advent

Well, Advent is upon us and I thought I'd share some of the things that I try to focus on during the season that will prepare me better for the arrival of my Lord. Perhaps in some small way these things will be helpful to you as well.

First, forgive everyone who has offended you in any way and ask forgiveness for any offenses you may have given. Do your best to love everyone. I know we all often fall short of that mark, but we must do our best.

Second, include some sort of fast in your Advent piety. What you do is up to you, but it should be meaningful and not too easy.

Third, abstain from sin and make a good and sincere Sacramental Confession. If you don't already have a personal confessor, this might be a good time to decide upon one. If you've never made a private confession this is a great opportunity to start. Make a concerted effort to improve in piety and virtue.

Fourth, participate in services and Sacraments as much as possible. Pray morning, evening, and before meals.

Fifth, read spiritual books and abstain from worldly movies, TV, and other activities as much as possible. Focus your time on your spiritual development.

Sixth, make special charitable donations to your church, monasteries, orphanages, or any charitable organization of your choice.

Attempting these actions will most assuredly assist in your Advent observance. I'll close this post with a quote from "My Life in Christ" by St. John of Kronstadt:

"God is long-suffering and merciful to you: this you experience many times every day. Be long-suffering and merciful to your brethren, also fulfilling the words of the Apostle, who thus speaks of love before everything: 'Love suffereth long, and is kind.' you desire that the Lord should rejoice you by His love, rejoice on your part the hearts of others by your tender love and kindness."


Todd A. Stepp said...

Fr. Wes,

You have been tagged with the book meme.

Since I don't know how to make that a link, itself, in a blog comment, you'll have to come to my blog to see what that means!


Bishop Nolden: said...

Pastor Todd,
This looks like fun. Now I just have to figure out how to tag the other folks.